
The image of a Uncle Remus as happy is problematic because it doesn't just imply, it comes right out and *says* he's satisfied with life. He might as well be singing "I'm a slave and everything's great!" Disney's got a good reason to want to put it in a vault.

Well then, Jon, better stuff "Satchmo" Armstrong in Disney's vault too because his great smile and his deep laughter while under the boot of deplorable segregation is antithetical to those who you would allow a degree of happiness.

After basic necessities are met happiness comes from within and not from without.

Are all poor people unhappy? If not, maybe we should chide the happy poor people for their happiness and demand that they mope around in accord with their unfortunate lives.

Wise old Uncle Remus said nothing about slavery. But wise old Uncle Remus said everything about the joy of being alive.

Policing words and distorting reality is something best left to the Word Police among us - they, unlike good people, enjoy being unhappy and enjoy others being unhappy too.