I also come down on the side against the use of profanity in ordinary discourse, but admit that I haev picked it up in a reflex way.

I think it is a reflex. While it would be great to be able to shout "Great spangled frittilaries!" when shocked (or "Scheibenkleister" it takes training or non-reflexive conscious effort.

Say what one will about the lack of expression of profanity (and obscenity) I think it illustrates intensity of feeling even at an unconscious level.

My most recent example: Moving furniture in a cellar I struck my head very hard on a low beam. As I dropped to one knee, I exclaimed "Coc****ker!". Some minutes later, I took a good rap on the shin from a metal rod. My unthought yet vocalized exclamation as I kept walking: "Ow! gee whiz!"

The range between these phrases drew comment. I had no explanation since both were unconscious.