Western/Central Canadian English? That covers a heckuva lot of territory. My mother came from Manitoba, and her vowels were broader than the Ontarian vowels I speak. When I was fifteen we moved from Oakville (near Toronto) a mere hundred miles northish to Elmvale, and there was a marked difference in vocabulary and vowel sounds. I was considered to "talk funny" until I picked it up.
Here in Northeastern Ontario we have a different vocabulary again - for example, in the Muskokas, south of here, one goes to the cottage. Here, it's going out to camp. "Camp" may be a two-storey chalet with a satellite dish and in-ground swimming pool next to the tennis court, but, dammit, it's "camp".

I'm in the "bad idea" camp (not cottage).

Last edited by Elizabeth Creith; 08/01/06 01:18 PM.