tsu, eta: Thank you for that. I had long wondered how it was done

So I'll try it:

<a href="wordsmith.org/board/showflat.php?
=&Search=true#Post159250" target="_blank">here it is</a>

Well, it seems to have worked, except that clicking on it
yields a "Not found" message.
I'll keep working on it, and if I'm lucky, in about 10
more years I'll have mastered the technique.

Then I'll be 85

Edited to remark that after I added the above
concluding paragraph,
all my work had been in vain, because it caused
the entire URL to reappear, as you can see.
Maybe it will take more than 10 years after all

Why does Bill Gates torment us so

Edited to add returns at arbitrary points so
that the subsequent text doesn't run off the page.

Edited once more to add returns in the above editing
remark (as well as this one).

Last edited by dalehileman; 06/22/06 04:12 PM.
