Thanks eta

At the time of posting I hadn’t read the circular from Anu – what a great little tool that link to a surname distribution website is! Does that go some way to answering auctoron's question? I see that neither Thoyts nor Hoyts shows up in enough numbers to register there yet.

Meanwhile a bit of whimsy triggered by the same compendium from Anu…

> From: Helen Slade (
Subject: Professions and surnames
As a child with the surname Cox, I fended off the constant teasing with a romantic notion that my name derived from Coxswain…

There was a young lady named Cox
Who was teased as a pretty young fox;
On her marriage bed laid
When she married a Slade
She was pleased by far more than his locks!

Last edited by maverick; 06/27/06 09:39 AM.