here then are the results for speight, with comments and notes to follow:

a) a long handled gaff used in sport fishing [consuelo] etaoin, belMarduk

b) German mythological bird resembling a yellow-bellied sapsucker [AnnaStrophic]

c) a channel sewn into a corset to hold a whalebone (baleen) stiffening strip [Elizabeth Creith] Alex W, wofa

d) a bridge which requires payment of a toll at both ends. [musick]

e) to make clear or clarify; elucidate [Kelly123]

f) the green woodpecker (obs.) [OED2] ASp
The green woodpecker, Gecinus viridis. [Either repr. an unrecorded OE. *speht (*speoht), or a. MDu. or MLG. specht (Du. specht, WFris. specht, spjucht), = OS. speth (sic), OHG. speht (MHG. speht, speiht, G. specht): cf. Da. spætte, Norw. spetta, Sw. hackspett, and OF. espoit, espois (from Germanic). The ultimate affinities of the word are uncertain.] {there’s that WFris. again}

g) foul-mouthed [Bingley]

h) prediction, prophecy; augury, omen. (rare) [joe friday] Bingley, Elizabeth C, Kelly

i) a drying rack for turves [TEd Remington] Faldage, Marianna, themilum

j) a display window magic trick: An unhooked spigot is suspended from a height of about two feet by a single fishing line. Once turned on water rushes out from the spigot into a wash pan night and day for about a week. [themilum]

k) hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe for livestock feed [Marianna] Consuelo, A.

l) a collection, meeting, or assemblage, esp. one to elect a military officer from the ranks of enlisted men. (archaic) [Alex Williams] musick

m) (Scot.) late; lateness [wofahulicodoc]

n) a small wooden sluice for draining water from an overflow tank [Faldage] Ted, Jackie

o) a slew; a myriad; a vast quantity [WhitmanO'Neill]


• The startling bit is that there was a tie at the top (three votes ea.) between TEd R. and joe f. (breaking a long draught for joe); using the usual* tie-breaking procedures…
• a drying rack for *turves*??
• ASp voted for the woodpecker based seemingly on some odd bird association(?) to her submitted def’n. [but she was first (and onliest) to pick the correct def’n, thereby denying the hogmaster a sweep of top honors]
• I think Milo has lost his touch, or has lost touch, one.
• Excepting the birds [edit: and the waters], I don’t see any armils® (unless you count the more obvious relationship to the term spate, which didn’t get much play).

* arbitrary and capricious

-hogmaster ron