Many many yeasrs ago I ran for county supervisor in a new district in Fairfax County, Virginia, on a reform platform. There had been a series of zoning scandals and campaign money was coming from some very suspect sources for the real politicians.

When the ballot came out there were four names for this particular post, determined by lot (supposedly). Mine was the bottom name, so I made my campaign slogan Vote for Ted Remington, Low Man on the Vote'm Poll. And I took a currently fad bumper sticker and rearranged it to say:

Police Your Local Support.

I was 21 at the time, and very few young voters can say they were able to vote for themselves the first time they were legally allowed to cast a ballot. And I actually got an endorsement from a pundit who wrote about local politics for the Washington Post. He said something to the effect that every board needs someone who can make puns like Ted Remington can.