good teachers are priceless.. (oh that means they (or their services are or should be free, right?)

there are problems with schools systems, but i think most who become teachers do so because of sense of vocation..

even the best paid teachers could earn more jobs i their field, child psycologists often have no more training than teachers (both have BA/MA/internships) but they are accorded more respect and better paid. and technical teachers, (maths/sciences) are certainly working as labors of love. the question is why? why do consistanly expect teachers to sacrafice?

(mind you, my ex was a teacher, i am fully aware of the waste there is.. but there is waste in the private sector, and the US Military is certainly not an example of 'waste free industry!)

we talk about valuing education.. but as a society, we don't generally put our money where our mouth is.