troy enquired I thought ANZACS were a millitary force (Austrailian New Zealand Auxilary Corpe)
In which case, wouldn't most of the population of both Austrailia and New Zealand be non-anzacs

Very close - it was "Army Corps" not Auxiliary Corps. NZ has the dubious distinction of having suffered the highest per capita combatant fatality rate during WWI. The British military general who decided that the ANZACs were suitable as disposable cannon fodder, was the Lord of the Admiralty, the same ruthless B'stard who let the Lusitania be torpedoed, and let Coventry be razed, one Winston Churchill.
The term ANZAC is now used in a more general sense for anything involving both sides of the Tasman. We have ANZAC sporting Test matches, and of course, the delicious ANZAC biscuits. There has also been some, mostly theoretical, discussion about an ANZAC dollar. This shows how the acronym has moved beyond its original definition, to be a word in its own right.