
Puce, the french word for flea soundwise can't be rhymed neither to ruse nor juice.

Well, the English word puce is pronounced /'pjUs/. And, isn't the French vowel here a closed front rounded one /y/ rather than a close back rounded /u/ one? /'pti 'pys/

Sorry for causing this misunderstanding and very well you noticed something was wrong. One sentence:
'Accent on the second part of the word', ended up at the wrong place.
This was referring to culture---cultuuuuur and had to come after that one, but somehow the little devil jumped. Nothing to do with puce, which is a one-accent word. Just a one syllable-sound.

Some sounds are hard to be put in words. Whistle like someone who can't whistle and you more or less have the french, dutch, german U and UU. Very uncomfortable.