

Stupid crossword... how can "coral" mean "soft pink"? I mean, coral (reefs?) vary in colour. And, no definition in my dictionary conforms to pink nohow! just stupid...stupid crossword... right? they got it wrong... I should complain. I should.

Interesting. Here is a vaguely related excerpt from an obscure work:

I also work crossword puzzles but too often find them annoying at the same time. I wonder who invented the rule about that diagonal bilateral symmetry that seems to be in most of them. I sort of like that part. I could be a good crossword puzzle author. Certainly I could write more than two puzzles in a series that do not include ERIE, EERIE, SST, EKES, ERR, or NEE. I would never include anything from the ‘words of the bad songwriter’ list such as O’ER, E’EN, and E’ER [more on this later]. An absolute ban would also apply to the ‘crossword puzzle writer favorite stupid words I hate’, including: AVER, TAM, RES, and ‘word stumps’ like ISM and ADE. I swear any puzzles I ever write will not include ONER, APER, UKE, or SIB. Finally, I would not use foreign words without spelling them correctly. Even I know that there are no such Spanish words as SENORA or NINO, or any AÑTIC or BAÑAL in English, and that LLORRAR has only five letters. In spite of all this, I suspect I do not have much chance of getting the job. I never see any want ads for ‘crossword author’. Maybe there is some kind of crossword puzzle writer dynasty no one else can break into. I would at least expect them to have secret identities like comic book heroes, out of fear that someone would get after them with a bat.

Add EPEE, ETUI, OLEO, OLIO and a few others to that list and we'll form a club.