I came in late and dutifully read this whooole thread before posting...

An anectdote about beer additives:
Last time I visited London, a local suggested I try a lager n' lime to beat the oppressive Summer heat. After my second delicious pint I went up to the bar to order my third. Slightly inebriated, I forgot the "n' lime" part of the order. To avoid bothering the busy barkeep, I helped myself to the squeeze bottle of lime juice on the counter. After the first sip I realized my mistake. I had liberally dosed the lager with "washing-up liquid". Ewww!

My North Carolinian Father-in-Law recalls ordering a "dope" for thirst when he was a boy. I've heard elsewhere that the term harkens back to the day that sodas were actually medicinal tonics. Pepsi Cola, as I'm sure many of you know, contained the digestive aid pepsin. Coca Cola had a bit of Cocaine.

Sandwich query:
Any relation between Hero Sandwiches and Gyros? Gyros are slow-roasted thinly sliced lamb served inside rolled pita bread. Always assumed so...

Bad joke:
Q: How does one survive in the desert with no food?
A: Why, you eat the sand which is (sandwiches) there!