Oooo Jo, when I mentioned Grouse hunting in my bio I didn't know there was a Grouse Scotch know of course, that I WILL have to go there.

Scrapple...innards and stuff...isn’t that called Menudo in Mexico. I recall going to a small, basement restaurant with my cousin and her husband (a Mexican gentleman) who told me I would eat REAL Mexican food. I ordered a bowl of Menudo. Only after I ate it, did they tell me what it was. I am not fickle by nature and love to taste different things, so I wouldn’t have minded knowing before.

Boby, my mom made the same type of mixture when we were young only she always added tomato juice. She would scoop this hamburger/onion/tomato juice mixture over boiled potatoes and we would mash it all up. My mouth still waters at the thought.

Isn’t the food your mom made just the best in the world? I remember my mom making hamburger steak (a hamburger patty with hot chicken sauce ladled over it) the nights I had cheerleading practice. She always had homemade french-fries and green peas floating in the sauce. I’d get home and it was all ready for me when I walked in the door. Everybody else had already eaten; most times something completely different. It made me feel really special that my mom went through all the trouble. It is still my favorite comfort food.

Does anybody else have a comfort food?