In one of my incarnations I was a very busy reporter, covering Board of Selectmen, planing and zoning boards, three scool district, the copshop, the fire department and fires, unions, the DPW, budget committee, precinct, town, state and national (NH Primary) elections, town meetings, public hearings, whatever scandals cropped up, doing features and keeping up with the goings on at the Nuclear power plant -- whew! -- time was often of the essence ... SOOOoooo here's a local dish that was home-made-take-along. Scramble hamburg, cover with cheddar cheese until it melts, then mix it all up and put it in a half of Pita bread. (aka Syrian bread)
For any busy person that was a real tasty protein boost and it could be thrown together in 10 minutes! Quicker than a run through McDonalds.
Anyone else with home-made-fast-food hints?