
its an idea that works for many thing.

... I'd say this is true, but also its reverse: really fixing your gaze where there is nothing. When I was learning to drive I had an instructor that would continuously yell his head off at me, not for any perilous manoeuvres but because it was his way of giving indications (once I understood that, it was actually quite funny). One day he yelled at me to drive down a very narrow street, with cars parked on one side and a small lorry wrongly sitting astride the kerb on the other side. I said to him "You know, I don't think the car will squeeze between those", so he started yelling some more. And I have never forgotten what he yelled at me that time: "Look at the gap! Just look at the gap! When in life you meet difficulties on either side, you look at the gap!!". That's what I did, and I got the car through without a scratch on her.