Hello, I am new and I am thoroughly enjoying this. Learning how to post and reply also. And I thought I knew it all. LOL Anyway, I teach High School English and at the age of 46, I am a new teacher. You know what??? I love it. Never bored and that happened a lot with other jobs. Anyway, I was wondering (?) when I posted on the theme of the week under my name it said (stranger). Then I noticed other names under other posters (enthusiast) or (veteran). I can figure out what these are, but how do you change? What is the threshold or point at which you change from one to another? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

"What we do in life, echoes an eternity" - Maximus Decimus Meridias.


"What we do in life, echoes an eternity" - Maximus Decimus Meridias.
