

Pinker said "(tetrabarb?)".

no, Pinker said tetrabard. Shakespeare is known as the Bard, see? I'm sure you'll agree that you neeed to work on that reading level before you start coining words, okay?!

Damn, tsuwm, I almost let your sniffy remark pass unaddressed.

Look, spellchecker, your citation of support for the legitimacy of the nonce term "tetrabard" is, we can only hope, not indicative of the quality of the research embodied in your lifelist of worthless words.

Now follow this closely...

(a) Pinker (page 150) was making a funny when he suggested that a vocabulary of 60,000 was 4 times the 15,000 used by Shakespeare in his writtings and should be called a "tetrabard".
(b) Your single supporting citation was obviously a googlized effort.
No self respecting lover of words would cite a translation that took Pinkers little joke as a serious word tool. Shame.
(c) You neeed to remove an excessive "e" in the "neeed" in your post above. Unless, that is, you can google two sites that prove unequivocally that "neeed" with three eees is the trend.

Last edited by themilum; 03/07/06 11:09 PM.