Wait, Whitman.

New Jersey is a million miles away from backwoods Alabama but we have dirty secrets too.

A little background is in order to preface the name of this infamous Alabamous dirt street. So here is the story that is given by those who live on ShiverdeFreezer Road.

Early 20th Century rural Alabama was peopled by both the kind and the cruel.
Pickens County was an exception; the politicians of Pickens County were both real cruel and real kind...sorta like the mafia.

The Sheriff of Pickins County was a God fearing man who believed that a man should not deceive others and that a man's bond with others was dependent on the truthfulness of his word. ShiverdeFreezer was a lively black man up from New Orleans. The Sheriff liked ShiverdeFreezer very much and gave him a dollar to vote for him in the coming election.

Here my memory get fuzzy. Either the sheriff lost the election or he didn't, but anyway the Sheriff found out that ShiverdeFreezer had bragged about voting for the Sheriff's opponent so he sought out ShiverdeFreezer and tied a rope around his ankle and drug him behind a galloping horse down the three mile strech of dirt road to a big oak tree where he hung him.

There is more to this story but I grow unhappy reporting it.