Dale, have you noted--this board is at wordsmith DOT org?

Anu needs some support to keep it going, (and has low key ads) but its largely a commercial free space.

we (oops, me, myself, i) like that.. so i (and a whole bunch of other people) tend not to post links to commerical sites (ok, so dictionaries sites are exceptions) if some one has an interest in something, (like say a rice cooker)
and someone else has a suggestion.. its likely to be done by PM--we--oops, there i go again being imperial!--don't often post links to stores, or suppliers, or other commercail sites.

Its not carved in stone (there are exceptions) but its sort of general rule.. (man oh man, i must be tired, we don't have no stinkin rules..)

well that the idea anyway.. (but being human, i am sure i have made a mistake or two... and posted something inappropriate once in a while.. and.. well..