The interesting thing about the "F" word (don't you just love the convolutions we go through to get around four little letters?) is that (a) it is entirely ubiquitous these days, and (b) it has actually lost its original meaning in most usage. "F*ck me!" is a common expression in Ozkiwitralasia (is that a valid neologism?), yet there are no sexual connotations intended by it or taken from it.

It is also no longer the sole domain of the rougher kind of male. I must admit, though, that I'm still coming to terms with women of good education (and presumably upbringing) telling others to "F*ck off" or "Get f*cked" without even breaking stride or considering it in any way out of the ordinary. Because, of course, it isn't out of the ordinary these days, far from it. I even heard my dear old Mum use it once when she managed to put her finger between the foot and base plate of her sewing machine and thereby stitch her finger to the fabric she was sewing ... which rocked me back on my heels more than the actual accident, which was messy enough! And she would have been older than WOW if she wasn't dead at the moment.

I think you can dislike it, but you're never going to get rid of it. I guess that in fifty years' time a board like ours will be discussing its etymology!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...