zm: Thank you. Formerly I had spent hours on the Verizon website before concluding that it didn't have online tech support. However, at your suggestion I went back and tried again and presto--finally found a page where a subscriber could actually register his complaint; apparently a brand new feature. Will let you all know what I learn

Fal: Thank you; zipping has been suggested by others, but I'm also told it shouldn't be necessary. If all else fails and I don't turn up anyone who has had to grapple with the same problem, I'll approach my IT buddies once more and inquire about whether my files are binary and if so how they got that way

However they are getting pretty sick of my questions as you might infer from my absymal ignorance of Bill Gates' infinite complexities

Thanks to both of you and to any further help

Last edited by dalehileman; 02/08/06 07:00 PM.
