Forgive me for a topic unrelated to language, but I am desperate

Using Word/Outlook I cannot successfully email large files (say 100 Kb or so)to any of my contacts. In any attempt to Send such a file, instead of being transmitted to the recipient it simply gets lodged in the Outbox folder and stays there indefinitely

Yet the literature states categorically I should be able to send up to 20 Mb. I have consulted several experts, including a couple of highly-paid IT's who are as baffled by the problem as I am

Evidently the glitch isn't a software malfunction (unless very obscure) because since I first encountered the difficulty I have had my entire C: Drive purged and updated with no success

What is the world coming to when modern technology is so intractable

Thanks all for considering and for any possible help

Last edited by dalehileman; 02/08/06 06:58 PM.
