It seems to me that it's been a while since we've had any games that spark creative story telling, so as resident etymythologist and piffler, I'm going to start up a little game. I'm going begin a story, all you have to do is use your creative juices to continue it. But first, a couple of guidelines.

1. Story segments should be no more than 200 words in order to allow others to develop it. (And no double posting.)

2. No real-life comments, only story related posts.

3. Each segment must end with a statement that will lead into the next. (ie. "And then he . . .")

4. Try to keep the thread in a straight line so we don't have parallel universes of the story.

And here we go . . .

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there lived a young lad named Gunther Nilpferd who had a unique habit of poking himself. He was a member an unusually large family that was rather poor. They lived in a cave in the side of a flower covered hill in the heart of a vast forest and depended mainly on the fish in a small stream for their daily nourishment. Despite his unfortunate lot, Gunther was determined to be a successful map maker, so one crisp autumn morning he saddled up his pet sheep and prepared to . . .