I have a good buddy (Britt Thompson) who was an elephant trainer at the Denver Zoo for several years and I asked him if his elephants were afraid of mice. He said no, his elephants weren't afraid of mice, his elephants were afraid of nothing in this world but his hook.

I told him I thought hooks were cruel and he said I was a dumbass and said that sharp, steel, 3" long, hooks were necessary to penetrate their tough, thick, skin in order to get their full attention.

Britt attested to their remarkable, but selective, memories, but doubted that the squeals of mice were even heard. Elephants, he said, can hear sounds phenomenally well in the lower tonal ranges (beyond what we can hear). Low frequencies carry best at long distances and low-pitched calls allow the elephants to keep in touch with other elephants many miles away. Sorta like whales.

Note: (This information was remembered by me from a conversation I had 25 years ago. I have a memory like an elephant.)