I don't use this kind of software, because I like to check each individual program before I log off to ensure I quit/save as appropriate; however, I'm sure that such programs are available either for purchase or as freeware.

Do a search for "shutdown utility" or "auto-shutdown utility" with PC.

Windows is a "real" OS. It's just not a real good "OS". It is an improvement over DOS and some of the previous incarnations of windows (which were just extensions to DOS). DOS itself was little more than a monitor program. The main technical problem I perceive with windows is that it doesn't do resource management very well. The main philosophical problem is that it is obtrusive. Clippy was just the natural fruition of their general disregard for the user. Windows is rude.

I remember the first computer I ever used - about 30 yrs ago now. It was a PDP-8 marketed as an edusystem 25, I think. It took maybe 45 minutes to boot from paper tape. Nowadays I get impatient when my 2GHz, dual processor takes 90 seconds.

Anyway, I think Bill Gates is brilliant. He might be many other things to boot, but he's also brilliant. Even brilliant people can do stupid things.