It is natural to call a typo when it is in a sentence that is slandering you.

No one will disagree with me on this.

But you have been around here a long time?

I haven't noticed you.

So I'll engage you're as forgettable a personality as you appear in this pathetic little tiff of ours. Not to mention your [cough]boring[cough] web page. After glancing over that, anything you had said about pseudo-intellection became the profoundest hypocrisy.

The problem with your riposte, in short, is it is vitiated by the conspicuous absence of a reply to my principal charge: That you are slow-witted and quick-tempered. A trait with devestating results, as is established in my earlier post.

Please defend yourself on this point.

No. You cannot.

And so you fall back on the silly name calling.

You're as big a baby as your tubby mug appears in that cheap fisherman's hat; and as is suggested by your petulant and entirely unamusing signature.

And whatever comes of this, of one thing I am certain: Funny, you are not.

Last edited by Homo Loquens; 01/25/06 11:59 AM.