Cool ? is that what i need?
Oh, so YOU think you know what i need?

I am an adult. I decide what i need, and i decide how i meet my needs. NOT you.

it seems rather you need me. or at least want me. you want me to accept your dictates. to listen to you. to agree or disagree with you.

others have met my needs in the past, so yes, i will listen to you for a bit, i will disagree with you, and by doing so, i will play at meeting your needs. but i will fail. I can not begin to know exactly what it is you need, so i know i will be inadaquate to the task.

you will blame me for failing. Its so much easier to blame me than take responsibility for your self. this is your pattern. It's always someone else who fails, never you.

the only solution is for you to recognize and admit your needs, and to satisfy them yourself. ONLY YOU can do that.
until then, you will be dissatisfied with life. you will act out, pretend, lie, cheat, misrepresent, and blame others for your failure.

so sad.