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An extraordinary amount of time was given to Alito's not having recused himself from a case in which Vanguard was involved, Vanguard being the mutual-fund company that manages Mr. Alito's money. On this matter, Judge Edward Becker of the 3rd Circuit Court spoke acidly, ...and introduced me [Bill Buckley] to a word I hadn't heard before. Becker explained why, for his own part, he had not recused himself from cases involving Vanguard even though his wife owned shares in the company: "I do not identify Vanguard on my recusal list because I am satisfied that my wife possesses no ownership interest in the Vanguard management company, which is what controls the recusal determination. She's never received a proxy statement, an opportunity to vote for directors or any indicia of ownership other than her aliquot share in the fund to the extent of her investment." Aliquot! Aliquot interests, OK!