"As for this little conspiracy theory ~
“One of the reasons why Greek and Roman history and the Greek and Latin languages are being removed from high school and college curriculums is that fewer students will stumble upon such truths.”
~ puhLEEEESE, call the men in white coats now."

Yeah, who wants to believe that educationists actually try to manipulate public eudcation?

Try out Walter Karp's excellent essay " Textbook America " at The Underground Grammarian site. Good stuff. Here's a quote:

"Something had to be done quickly or democracy might one day break out. Educational leaders quickly worked out a solution. Let the secondary schools teach the children of workers what was fit only for workers. As Woodrow Wilson, president of Princeton, sternly advised the Federation of High School Teachers: 'We want one class of persons to have a liberal education and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.' Since there was no way to stop 'the masses' from entering high school, the only way to meet the crisis, in short, was to prevent them from learning anything liberating when they got there."