THE Tragicall Historie of HOMO LOQUENS, Prince of AWADtalk as yt was latelie Acted by the Lord Ullriche his servants.

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V, ii.

HOMO LOQUENS: Marry, 'twas miching mallecho! That it was!

KING AWAD: You are keen! you are keen! a merry rogue! But stay. Homo loquens, this pearl is thine; Here's to thy health. [Aside] Give him the cup.

HOMO LOQUENS: For this relief much thanks.

[He drinks

How does this? It likes me not! 'Swounds! The drink, the drink!-- I am poison'd. O Villiany! Ho!

[He falls

O, I die! I am poisoned! The rest is silence!


A great uproarious plaudit.

CHORUS: He is justly served; It is a poison temper'd by himself. [Aside] Thou marvellest at my words, but hold there still: Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill.

[Exeunt omnes