OK so, consuelo refuses to listen to you--this has shut you down? wow! i wish i was a powerful as consuelo and could shut people down by not listening to them!

fact is, HL, (or ullrich, or what ever you want to call your self), you can post at will. that is your right.

and it is our right to ignore you.

we can ignore when you are rude (and make rude comments to a first time poster about their choice of an on-line name)
and we can ignore you when you attempt trickery (and post as ullrich to and defend 'HL'--pretending to that ullrich and HL are not one and the same.)

it used to be hard to ignore such behaviour, but now with a click of button, we can chose.
just as you can chose to post here or not.. you have posted previously as ullrich (and as ullrich, you have made the statement that you will no longer post here..) so i guess we can expect that HL as a cyber nom will be dropped, and you will appear, re-incarnate as 'hard to ignore' or some other 'name' and behave the same way.. and will be ignore once again.

gee --isn't a sign of insanity to keep repeating the same behavior and expect different results?