consuelo, I'm impressed you've gone through all that much. You make me feel spoiled.

of troy, knitting? ...and I thought you're a male all this time.

Homo, you outta be a Ultra-fast typer by now eh?

Elizabeth, the "wolf" analogy came natural to you, right? I can't imagine being around pets that long! glad you do something you like though.

maverick, you've worked with Oprah?
Don't you find it frustrating to not have a permanent place? ... mayhap you're a Buddhist?

Marianna... how I envy you. I can certainly imagine how you enjoy your work. I hope to teach Hebrew-English translation one day. As a matter a fact, I've already taken first steps. I have a meeting for a translation college course this thursday, so I'll keep posted for anyone who cares.

Oh, and I didn't knew the origin of futz, but nice guess there! I came across this word in "Escape from Monkey Island", same game-series of which my avatar is taken. I think you guys may like it...