
Do you enjoy your job? Do you find it enriching/interesting/monotonous? do you feel like you would enjoy doing something else more?

Well, previous jobs in my case are not too exciting, I suppose: librarian, university residence supervisor, travel agent, English language teacher...

At the moment, aptly, I teach English-Spanish translation at university. I do enjoy my work; I find interaction with the students generally interesting, often educational, and always refreshing. On the side, I have time to practice what I preach and translate some scientific texts. At the moment, this is what works for me, and I'm happy doing it. Could I be doing something else? Probably, and when I find myself thinking that I should be doing that something else, I think I'll owe it to myself to find the way to do it.

Logwood: As to becoming a translator, my only piece of advice would be to think whether you are more of a team player or an "individual" one. Translation, even in translation agencies and offices, is basically you, your text, and your translation aids.

It might be useful perhaps to look into taking a short course in translation at some translator training institution. I'm not saying to do a complete degree, but something that will give you a taste of what it's like and will offer more variety than you might get if you start right off with an agency. That could help you decide if it's for you.

Best of luck!