Logwood's passing reference to the English language's becoming his "thinking language" is absolutely fascinating. I cannot imagine what kind of mental processes I'd have to go through to be able to change my internal language. Perhaps the ability to do so is age-relatec; perhaps it has something to do with one's learning two languages together.
For Logwood:
How old were you when this happened? Did you learn Hebrew and English concurrently? Is it difficult to think in English and then sort of automatically translate to Hebrew while speaking.
For others who might be interested in discussing this:
If you sitched your thinking language from one to another, how old were you when you did so? Why did you do so? Does it hamper your communcation in any way? For instance, when holding a conversation in your "old language" do you internally translate from old to new, then formulate a response in new and translate it to old for speaking? Seems very cumbersome to me. Or do you switch your thinking language sort of automatically.
I am certain this phenomenon (though of course it isn't really a phenomenon except to me because I'ver never heard of it before) would be more prevalent where people routinely speak several languages, something that isn't at all common in the US, unless you call Southern a language
AH! Another question: Do you find yourself mixing the two languages, either in thinking or in speaking. Here I'm thinking about languages like Tagalog which as I undestand it is a mixture of several tongues.