
(a) A Celtic burial mound, particularly one that is celestially oriented

(b) A goblin in English folklore, often appearing in the shape of a large dog and believed to portend imminent death or misfortune

(c) A medieval toll levied on goods transported by river

(d) A heraldic term from 15th century Netherlands. The symbol is found on the top right of the field, and denotes an architect or stonemason

(e) An Afghani open-air market for rugs and tapestries

(f) A sheaf, a bundle (of cereal, twigs or sticks)

(g) At the request of a barge

(h) A minor village official whose duties included welcoming and assisting important visitors

(i) The newest member of a traditional bagpipe and drum band

(j) A submerged or partially submerged ridge of alluvial matter deposited in a river or along a shore

(k) a celtic lawyer

Last edited by Alex Williams; 12/09/05 12:17 AM.