Eta thank you for that. Thanks too for the synonym "board" for "forum" (?) Yes, this is comparatively a very tolerant crowd and yes, AWAD is a very fine board indeed

At another site a blogger submitted a followup accusing me of "persiflage." But then in a later thread, when I referred to myself as possessing that very quality, I was summarily attacked by another contributor for using obscure language

At still another, I believe it is a site called "The Mutual Recrimination Society," I was unmercifully dragged across the coals for using the terms "onshore" and "offshore," referring to leftponders v right, on the basis that it might confuse the latter, who presumably have co-opted the more equivocal terms

At a third, I contibuted many suggestions for improving the algorithm, without realizing that this site didn't use commercial software but a complex system devised by the Admin himself. So he, who himself lived in and with the forum, interpreted them as criticism and struck out at me in no uncertain terms. There's a moral here; find out who built the site before offering suggestions or improvements

In any forum there is hard core of critics who will attack you for almost anything. Fortunately they don't exercise much control over AWAD

Tho I expect to be roundly criticized for using the term "Admin" for softwaree tweaker. One just has to have a term for the guy who is in charge of, and occasionally services or updates, the algorithms

Last edited by dalehileman; 01/09/06 04:51 PM.
