All this snowboarding jargon got me thinking about skateboarding. The terms "fakey" and "switch" are more commonly used on the pavement. Skateboarding is slightly more complicated, since your feet aren't strapped to the board. My stance is goofy, but in skateboarding, pulling a fakey keeps my right foot forward...just way forward. Normally my left foot is on the tail of the board and my right foot is in the middle somewhere. So when doing fakey, my right foot moves up to the nose of the board and my left foot comes to about the middle of the board. I'm sure you've all heard the term "ollie" before. It's the most basic skateboarding trick where you kick the tail of the board, slide your front foot up the board, and jump up. Well, doing this fakey is called a "nollie" since your kicking the nose of the board instead of the tail. Make sense?