
Looks like we'll be testing the 98 posts to a thread on the new board. See if it does the same here as it did there. Or maybe someone will start a new thread? That was a fun thread.

I think the proof is in the pudding. there were two main reasons for the 98-post sanction; to wit:

a) slow-loading for users with dial-up connections -- on the old board you had to wait for page 1 to load before you could get to page 2. does this still apply for some of you?

b) the long-term factor; after some unknown period of time the boards aging process gave subsequent pages the wanderlust. that is, instead of the page 2 you wanted you would instead link into some other thread! maybe this has been OBE; maybe not. (I think I'll try to find one of those threads in the archives..)

edit: come to think of it, that thread, which I linked to above and is now active again, should qualify--it dates back to 2001.

re-edit: but then again, all of the page 2 posts are new...

Last edited by tsuwm; 10/20/05 07:54 PM.