There is, in larger Episcopal/Anglican churches, especially cathedrals, a liturgical officer, usually a lay person, who leads processions from one place to another within the liturgical space. This person, gowned in black and carrying a sort of wand known as the verge, is universally called the verger. Vergers are notoriously officious and tend to regard the mere clergy -- bishops, priests and deacons -- who they herd about as ignorant and straying cattle. When one is invited to participate in the liturgy of a strange church, one is doubtless thankful for the ministry of vergers, as they come to where one sits, when it is time for one to move, and, with a nod of (mock) respect, fetch one and lead one to where one is supposed to be ...and then come back, when it is time to go back to one's place, and lead one back there. Bless them all.