...is this Information or an Announcement?

1. It is information because it informed you that I did a bad thing last Tuesday.

2. It is an announcement because it announced to all the world that I am arrogant, supercilious, rabid, legless, foolish, superioristic, repulsive, illogical, churlish and mean spirited ... according to Max.

Why not post this in Miscellany?

1. I never post anything to Miscellany because I do not read Miscellany .. in an effort not to be consumed entirely by this Board. The little counter on my AWAD home page tells me that I have 30,199 unread posts under the Miscellany tab. Maybe more by the time you read this.

2. I won't engage in an argument about which category ought be the proper place for anything I post. Like G.K. Chesterton, "I have long ceased to argue with people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday."

(go ahead and subpoena me, Fr Steve, in PM -- hey, btw, whence sub-poena?!)

Back in the good old days, when courts were allowed to inflict cruel and unusual punishment willy nilly, a subpoena concluded with the legend: "HEREIN FAIL NOT AT YOUR PERIL." The recipient was left to imagine what might happen to one who ignored such an order from a court. Whatever that consequence might be, it was sure to be painful, hence the name "sub poena" meaning "under pain."