besides, i don't think i want to read such a vulgar joke here. there are plenty of x rated sites that specialize in vulgar material.(my son ran an X-rated web page, and his, and others are not unknown to me)

i have no problem with adult subjects. i don't think we need to refrain from all mention of breasts or penises or other body parts (and there really has never been any effort to censor -except self regulation--but i don't think retelling a vulgar joke (publicly) will add anything to topic. Do you?

Occationally (and i too have been guilty of it occationally) we have gotten out of hand, and the subject matter has become, well BLUE. but as a general rule, we refain. we certainly don't INVITE people to post vulgar jokes.

a quick quip--that makes you laugh befor you blush.. that's one thing, but HEY, tell the joke here... well its generally not done.
If anyone thinks this general policy is wrong, they are welcome to correct my assumptions and make some of their own!