re:Anyone can string together a bunch of letters that have a pseudo appearance to a word.

many moons ago, (um, somewhere in the 1980's) scientific american, in their column "computer recreations" had a small LISP program (and an genaral outline for a BASIC program) for writing psuedo language.(it was about 100 lines of code--back in those dark ages, you typed in the code yourself for a 'copy'!)

i took french in HS--and i "know" what french looks like..
aux, la, le, oiu--all 'distictively" french looking..

que, habla, de, --all help me recognize Spanish..

German has its own 'distictive look" as does English..

th is valid in english, and so is sh, ch and wh but dh is pretty rare (dharma comes to mind--and adopted word and not many others)
Ph works in english, (but also in German)--

well the simple program generated random combination of letters based on them most commonly used letter (Hello Eta!) and 'letter pairs" and combination, and on average word size (German words on average are longer than English words) and then generated psuedo text--

it was such a fun little program ...