> ...does anyone still teach music appreciation?)

BBC World has an ambitiously titled programme called "How to listen" - so some people are still interested in 'learning to listen'. I recently read about an digital interactive guide to opera which you can listen to in London during(!) performances. It is streamed onto you hand set (PDA) and you can learn, for example, about the leitmotif currently being played and how it is adapted from the 1st movement. Pretty interesting for students, but I cannot imagine the purists would happy with someone fiddling with a backlit gadget while they're trying to get on board with La Boheme.

F.S. writes:
One of the ones that confused me the most was the use of the word "bad" to mean "good." ...How you s'posed to tell?

Don't worry 'bout it. Youze iz hella sick to uz, no matter what, nawamean peeps.