Looks like "Ma" Ferguson became the second woman governor in U.S. history. Wyoming's Nellie Ross beat her out by 15 days.

And Miriam Ferguson was more of an uxgovernor than a governor in her own right, it would seem, based on her promise that "if elected she would follow the advice of her husband and that Texas thus would gain "two governors for the price of one."

The Handbook of Texas Online

Mrs. Ferguson served as the first lady of Texas during the gubernatorial terms of her husband (1915-17), who was impeached during his second administration. When James Ferguson failed to get his name on the ballot in 1924, Miriam entered the race for the Texas governorship. Before announcing for office, she had devoted her energies almost exclusively to her husband and two daughters. This fact, and the combination of her first and middle initials, led her supporters to call her "Ma" Ferguson. She quickly assured Texans that if elected she would follow the advice of her husband and that Texas thus would gain "two governors for the price of one." Inaugurated fifteen days after Wyoming's Nellie Ross, Miriam Ferguson became the second woman governor in United States history.


On November 2, 1920, over 8 million American women voted for the first time in history.
