I'm not sure if there is such a word myself, tsuwm.

But, interesting as well, are words which express the negative, sometimes with considerable subtlety, without using the prefix "un".

In the political arena particularly, there are all kinds of terms we can use to cast the other side in a negative light, without directly or specifically criticizing the other side. Here's an example:

The problem with this debate is that the opponents to the originalists are labeled as "activist judges" by the right. Judges who seek to further their political agenda through interpretation of the federal and state constitutions. However, the right is equally activist in this regard. Let's unpack each of these terms a bit.

Now what about the term "activist"? The loaded term recalls images of war protesters, people throwing red paint on fur-clad ladies, Greenpeace, etc. I'm certainly not condemning these groups. But much of conservative and Middle-America doesn't understand activism. I grew up in conservative, Middle-America, where tradition is good and hippie protesters are bad. The term activist has a decidedly negative connotation for much of America. The term activist is thrown around like the term "bleeding-heart liberal" casting a very dark shadow on otherwise noble causes.

[Wikipedia: Originalism]
[Wikipedia: Activist]

Posted by Aaron Hall
