You said:

Huh?!? I'm not one to do stealth edits, although I know y'all are used to that sort of thing here.

No, though I am quite new here, I was taken aback in another thread when plutarch edited one of his screeds after I had posted a response, and the purpose of the edit appeared to have been to make me look a fool.

The sheer dishonesty of editing a post without including a caveat speaks ill of that person, and I will no longer post to a thread on which he has posted.

Nor will I read a thread which he has originated. I seem to be in very good company on that, judging from all the threads in which plutarch is talking to himself only.

At first I wondered why so many people appeared to be reading those threads, and then I realized that it must be plutarch himself who keeps reopening the threads to up his "click count", about which he has made at least two boasts in recent days. It would not surprise me to learn that he suffers from terminal callus of the clicking finger.

Actually, in thinking about it, I question whether I shall continue to participate here. There is great potential, but plutarch's evils have poisoned this venue perhaps beyond resuscitation.

