The AWAD theme for this week is "biblical allusions".

The AWAD for Day 1 is "gadarene".

Do you remember when a headlong rush
Was widely known as a gadarene rush?
Now the rush to your brain
Is called crack cocaine
And crack turns your brain into mush.

gadarene (GAD-uh-reen) noun

A headlong rush

[After the town of Gadara in a biblical story where two demon-possessed men ask Christ to send them into a herd of swine. They dash into the herd and all the animals rush violently over a cliff.] per Anu

Note: I believe the word "gadarene" described in Anu's AWAD today is the adjective [without the capital "G"], not the noun "Gadarene". defines "Gadarene" [with a capital "G"] as an alternate form of the place name "Gadara".

Enter "gadarene" in and you get:

( P ) Pronunciation Key (gdr-)

An ancient city of Palestine southeast of the Sea of Galilee. It was one of the Greek cities of the Decapolis.
Gada·rene (gd-rn, gd-rn) adj. & n.