In Iraq, the life you save ...
Seattle Times, August 7, 2005 [from LA Times]

DSAC-Iraq to Baghdad veterans — is part Outward Bound and part James Bond.
The civilians are taught how to behave if taken hostage (don't panic) and are told what to do if confronted by kidnappers (move). They learn what to do if their convoy is ambushed (get out of the "kill zone" — the area targeted by attackers), what to use to control bleeding (duct tape, necktie, sock) and what to do before leaving for Iraq (make a will).

The 19 men and nine women in a recent course were government and contract office workers and technical experts, not people familiar with guns or heavy ordnance. With their expertise required in Iraq, they volunteered to serve there — out of a sense of duty and patriotism, several said.
For some of them, he predicted, living in Baghdad would cause insomnia, irritability, impatience, depression and what the instructor called "emotional shutdown."

A Baghdad tour is no stroll downtown
You could get nabbed or even mowed down
By a rocket mortar
Or a suicide porter
Or if you're lucky by emotional shutdown.