Here's another discussion of "liberty bodices". I'd be careful of searching on this item, the more modern versions seem to have something to do with bondage! I don't remember it too well as I was quite young. I think it was suggested to my parents as I suffered from bronchitis and any extra layers (in the cold winters before central heating) were thought to be good. I don't remember the bit to attach the woolly stockings and I don't suppose Paul wore them either!
Here's the reference:
"I've suddenly recalled a somewhat peculiar girls' undergarment, which was called a liberty bodice. I know I had at least one in my undies collection, during early post-war years, but all I vaguely remember about it was that it was worn over the vest, was a lot shorter than a vest, had rubber buttons up the front, and a suspender-like gizmo dangling at the sides, at about the waistline, with a rubber button at the end, as though to anchor it to something (goodness knows what). I remember it as being miserably uncomfortable to wear. but perhaps the only ones I had were a size too small for me. I never wore one consistently, but it was there in the drawer and now and again I was persuaded to give it another chance. Eventually they disappeared."