I can't stand it, I can't stand it! My God! Jo, that first website! My God! The cruelty! Did you, did you, go to the home page and read, and read, that first letter?
That one, from that God-awful sadist who, who, of all things, is a teacher?? To say nothing of those "Three Letters From School". That unspeakable
wretch, that woman, that first one--forced her
nephew into complete, total, and utter humiliation--subjected him to it for a full half-hour--and then, and then, even more unbelievably, bragged about it!!
Oh! Oh! Why, oh why, do adults so often act as though
might is right, when it comes to dealing with children??
That woman has NO CLUE as to what she taught that child;
that goes for all the other sadistic teachers/parents/parent substitutes, too. What a child learns from that kind of treatment is, first, fear.
Obedience out of fear is not what a child should be raised by. That child learned that he could be forced to do something. He learned nothing about realistic expectations, and discipline in its classical sense: that is, why certain things are and are not done. It is also VERY likely that he learned to be vengeful--I doubt that this is what that...that...ooh!...person had in mind! A beloved friend told me of being forced into a humiliating situation in front of his class--it still haunted him three decades later. The feelings of powerlessness cause indescribable harm.
Well, now you have all seen me in pretty much full rant.
It's going to take me a while to get over those letters.